There is no more noble creature than the bookseller. For it is she who provides the reader with a lifeboat to escape to a new adventure, a new romance, a new life – if only for a while. It is he who provides the author with the means to tell a story that may enlighten, entertain, or even thrill. We are all indebted to them.
This week I want to extend my gratitude to Chad Mayton of Barnes & Noble at 1800 McFarland Boulevard in Tuscaloosa, who agreed to allow me to place several copies of Inescapable on his shelf along with books from many of Tuscaloosa’s finest authors.
And a special, heartfelt thanks to Avery Leopard of Ernest & Hadley Booksellers of 1928 7th Street in Tuscaloosa. She graciously invited me as the guest author to her open book club last week. She also has several copies of Inescapable on her shelf.
I couldn’t be more grateful to both of them. So, please, if you need a lifeboat in the form of a book, visit your local bookseller.
Well said.
All readers appreciate knowing that a lifeboat is near at hand in this day of banned books.