Soaring – A True Tall Tale

Growing up a skinny kid with a cowlick, glasses, and buck teeth, my hero was John Wayne. I dreamed of one day leading a cavalry charge, facing down gunslingers, or soaring through the skies. Instead, I managed to fall off a horse, bag a rabbit on an illegal night-time hunting trip, and squeeze into the…

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The Gladiator’s Choice

You may think the fate of the Gladiator lay in his skill. But consider his natural strength. Account for his experience in battle. Think about his opponent’s moral values. Most of all, contemplate the bloodlust of the Emperor and the judges. Does the standing warrior have any choice but to do the crowd’s bidding? Does…

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The Writer in You

You have an opinion, and if you’re anything like me, you want somebody to listen to it. The book is engrossing but the movie is just gross. That politician is crooked, but my guy tells it straight. That woman makes too much noise. This one should speak up more. This fellow needs to man up,…

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